the dress of the season.

When my mother purchased this fabric, I honestly didn’t even care for it. She came home and said I bought this to take to Pakistan for an outfit. I didn’t pay it much mind, I figured my other sisters could have it. When she was actually leaving for Pakistan, we all handed her our lists: of things I wanted, how I wanted them – and I’m extremely particular, so I know she wasn’t happy with my list haha. I usually print her pictures so she has a better understanding of how I prefer my clothes to be. She packed this fabric and asked how I wanted it, and I told her to just make it into a dress. I figured if we kept it simple, she couldn’t really mess up. In this case, I am SO happy she disregarded what I wanted and did her own thing. My cousins wife helped her make this dress come alive. After constant texts through what’s app, regardless of time differences, I am glad they asked me for approval for everything. Forever thankful, that they understand my picky ways.

The dress was made in Lahore, by my cousins personal tailor. My mother and her went and got the neckline made and added pearls to the hemline and armholes. I absolutely love the way this dress came out, I get so many inquires about it! Ruby out did herself.











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